Italian designer Edoardo Carlino from Think Future Design, with the collaboration of Sabrina De Caro and Michael McCullough architects, develops the Evolve Hotel Concept, a futuristic and eco-sustainable hotel for millennials, where technology meets biocompatible materials and completely cardboard furnishings.
Taking the vision of Mr Kalpesh Patel, from the american company Evolve Hotel Inc, they have developed two types of rooms on the same layout of the classic hotel room.
The first type, one of the main features of the hotel, is the sharing room.
In the age of sharing, sharing room probably wants to be an evolution of the hostel concept. The double room, thanks to a system of movable walls, can be divided into two completely separate rooms, in full respect of the privacy of the guests who occupy it. Young travelers who, to reduce the costs of their stay, will have decided to share the room with another user, selected for common interests or affinity thanks to an online booking software (, will find two single rooms available. In common they will have only the entrance and the bathroom, but the vanity, the toilet and the shower will still be separate and usable independently. In standard conditions the room will be a common double with the particularity of having two TVs integrated into the movable walls that, with the help of earphones, will allow guests to view different contents.
The second type is a double room that maintains the same features of the first one, in terms of layout, furniture and technological equipment designed to save energy and water, and where the multimedia contents are shown on a glass wall that acts as a filter between the entrance and the bedroom.
On the same layout other types of rooms will be provided, such as the studio room oriented at individual guests traveling for study or for work. This will allows Evolve also to become a modular hotel.
Client: Evolve Hotel Inc
Location: Arkansas – USA
Concept and design: Edoardo Carlino
with collaboration of Sabrina De Caro architect
Architecture and project management: Michael McCullough architect
Business Strategy: Kalpesh Patel
For more info and conctacts mail to:
Mr Kalpesh Patel:
Michael McCullough:
Think Future Design:
Sharing room gallery
Double room gallery