Evolve Hotel, USA – Sharing Room

Cliente: Evolve Hotel Inc

Luogo: Arkansas – USA

Concept and design: Edoardo Carlino

con la collaborazione di Sabrina De Caro architetto

Architettura e project management: Michael McCullough architect

Business Strategy: Kalpesh Patel

Data: dal 2015 – work in progress

Concept di “Sharing room” per Evolve, un hotel futuristico ed eco-sostenibile orientato ai millennials, dove la tecnologia incontra materiali biocompatibili e arredi completamente in cartone.

Nell’era della condivisione, la sharing room vuole probabilmente rappresentare un’evoluzione del concetto di ostello. La stanza matrimoniale, grazie ad un sistema di partizioni mobili, all’occorrenza potrà essere divisa in due ambienti completamente separati, nel pieno rispetto della privacy degli ospiti che la occupano. I giovani viaggiatori che, per abbattere i costi del loro soggiorno, avranno deciso di condividere la stanza con un altro utente, individuato per interessi comuni o affinità grazie ad un software on-line dell’hotel, troveranno a disposizione due camere singole. In comune essi avranno solo l’ingresso e il bagno, ma il wc, il lavabo e la doccia saranno comunque separati e fruibili in maniera indipendente. In condizioni standard la camera sarà una comune matrimoniale con la particolarità di avere due televisori integrati nelle pareti mobili che, con l’ausilio di auricolari, consentiranno agli ospiti la visione di contenuti differenti.



Evolve Hotel, USA – Double Room

Cliente: Evolve Hotel Inc

Luogo: Arkansas – USA

Concept and design: Edoardo Carlino

con la collaborazione di Sabrina De Caro architetto

Architettura e project management: Michael McCullough architect

Business Strategy: Kalpesh Patel

Data: dal 2015 – work in progress


Concept per la camera matrimoniale di Evolve, un hotel futuristico ed eco-sostenibile orientato ai millennials, dove la tecnologia incontra materiali biocompatibili e arredi completamente in cartone.


Info Table

Info Table

Date: 2013

Client: ZAD

Design: Edoardo Carlino

Award: Golden A’ Design Award 2016

Buy on line from ZAD

A business meeting in an environment characterized by a multicoloured lighting and furnished by a piece of contemporary design, it’s a business meeting enjoyable and relaxing.

Designed by Edoardo Carlino, Info table would open the doors to new experiences of living interiors by enriching the life and work spaces with a vision of our day, according to which the design can improve human life, amplifying the range of sensory experiences and able to transform situations normally stressful and boring at times in concentration and relax.

Info Table, with its organic shape and equipment, is able to create a professional atmosphere but relaxing at the same time, above all thanks to the backlight of the work top that pleasantly surprise anyone take part in the meeting.

An array of RGB LEDs illuminates the glass worktop with a suffused light and then the environment in which it’s placed. The multicolour light, changing with slow and gentle frequency, recreates different atmospheres, significantly mitigating the classic stress of a meeting with a sensory experience that is in fact highly inclusive.

The user can set the preferred light and the frequency of changing by a remote control.

The base with organic shape is completely realized in Adamantx, an innovative solid surface produced by ZAD: a composite material that is obtained by processing of foams coated with special resins.

The power track placed in the middle of Info Table is by Eubiq Europe, equipped with fittings for power cables, USB and many other types of multimedia connectors. The incredibly innovative system allows you to remove, replace and add to the pleasure sockets with ease in maximum security safety.

Work top is in extra clear glass.

Info Table has an hi-tech and futuristic style but, anyway, it tries to maintain sobriety, elegance and ease of contextualization. Designed to be integrated in interiors of any style, from classic to contemporary, from the modern and minimal to the rustic and warmer, Info Table alone is already able to determine the appeal of a space, and with which it’s possible furnish meeting rooms, offices and why not, if without the power track normally supplied, living spaces.

Just turn on Info Table to understand how a table and its light can redesign a space and revitalize a workplace, even the most challenging.

Photo by Antonio Cuda